Sold for $72,500
75 Windmill Street
Not for the faint hearted, this once healthy and vibrant 4 bedroom 4 bathroom 4 car home is in need of a patient and caring owner to restore it to its former glory.
In its prime the home was showcased as a step up from its 4 bedroom 2 bathroom cousins.
Occupants enjoyed the privacy of spacious queen sized ensuited bedrooms with entry from the outside directly into each bedroom as well as internal access. An extra wash room off the laundry was well accepted.
Not a small home by any means with over 160sqm of living and a generous outdoor area of approx. 33sqm. Not only a double lock-up garage but a carport almost of equal size.
Suitably situated on an 1121sqm corner allotment - great for ease of access to both front, side and rear of the home.
Last year a fire took hold causing extensive damage to the roof and other areas of the building.
Not all was lost - colorbond fencing and rainwater tank appear to be intacked. Lots of square meters of concrete would not have to be replaced. Closer inspection of the property will unearth other items that could possibly be retrievable.
The current owner is offering this opportunity to an adventurous renovator thats loves to tackle a challenge head on.
For more details contract Di Ewen
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